Catholic Life»
Light of Patriarchs, Pray for us (Comments Off)

Fr John Rea was curious about the traditional title of St Joseph as ‘Light of the Patriarchs’.
This is what he discovered...… More
March Crossword (Comments Off)

The winner of the Marist Messenger prize for the December Crossword was Joyce Taylor of Christchurch
Solution for February
Across: 1 Minibus, 5 Climb,
8 Satyr, 9 Oarsman, 10 Social justice, 11 Medico, 12 Wimple, 15 Salvation Army, 18 Inspire,
19 Amble, 20 Harks, 21 Pretend. … More
Death of a Marist»
Death of a Marist (Comments Off)

Fr Allan Connors SM
Born 6 March 1928
Professed 2 February 1946
Ordained 26 July 1952
Died 30 November 2022
Allan was born at Macksville on the north coast of NSW, from German, French, English and Irish ancestry.… More
Death of a Marist 2»
Death of a Marist (Comments Off)

Fr Louis Molloy SM
Born December 18 1929
Professed 2 February 1953
Ordained 13 December 1957
Died 9 November 2022
Marists in Australia mourn the passing on Nov 09 of Fr Louis Molloy SM, aged 92, at Crowley Care Nursing Home, Ballina, after several years of debilitating illness.… More
Focus Editorial»
Change – Farewell to the Marist Messenger (Comments Off)

“The only thing that is constant is change.”
Heraclitus, Greek philosopher.
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but building on the new.”… More
Francis Speaks»
Francis Speaks – on our Lenten journey (Comments Off)

In our Lenten journey, let us remember the One who “humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross”.… More
The Parole Board (Comments Off)

Eight years of being a member of the New Zealand Parole Board and I still get asked the same question every time.… More
Can You Bear It? (Comments Off)

A talking horse walked into a bar and approached the manager. “Excuse me, good sir,” the horse said, “are you hiring?”… More
The Cub (Comments Off)

A whimsical letter recalling a beloved Irish Marist.
Dear Father Byrne
After my visit with you, I realised that there are memories that have always given me pleasure so here are my imperfect recollections of the events surrounding:
The First Summer Camp
In 1957 after my father died, summer stretched into a bleak holiday-less infinity.… More
Rights and Privileges (Comments Off)

At the time of writing, Geelong and Melbourne, the two top teams in the AFL played a cracker of a match.… More
To Listen is to be Silent (Comments Off)

When I undertook my counsellor training, one of the core skills we were trained in was listening. It was drilled into us on a daily basis.… More
24 Lights of Lent (Comments Off)

Lent, the 40 weekdays preceding Easter, was established to give Christians an opportunity to renew their commitments, reflect on their lives and respond to Jesus' teaching to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and ...… More
Reflection - 2»
The Word is Alive! (Comments Off)

The season of Advent begins in the last week of November. As we journey deeper into Advent two persons more and more take over centre stage, Mary the Mother of Jesus, and his cousin John.… More
Reflection - 3»
There is a Time for Everything (Comments Off)

“There is a time for everything , and a season for every activity under heaven.”
Ecclesiastes 3:1
I recently celebrated a grandson’s birthday, his thirtieth!… More
March Saint – St Frances of Rome (Comments Off)

St Frances of Rome -9 March
Francesca Busso was a 'Roman of Rome', one who lived her whole life in the Eternal City.… More