A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Friday 31 March

Jeremiah 20: 10-13, Ps 18: 2-7; John 10: 31-42

Jesus first

The opposition against Jesus is reaching its climax. Jesus returns to the Jordan to where his cousin preached and baptised. I have often wondered about this time Jesus had near the Jordan river. Remembering John and his announcement of an entirely different way of seeing life and what was to be ultimately important. Our faith in Jesus moves us against the energies of ‘Me First’, and can at times leave us vulnerable in living the Jesus way. Yet we are invited to be with him. Being prayerful in our living of faith and moving against the tide of self-absorption. Can we ask Jesus for the grace to be open to the mystery of Holy Week.

Fr Mark Chamberlain is the Parish Priest of the Dunedin North Pastoral Area, chaplain to Dunedin and Mercy Hospitals and to the University of Otago. He is also a member of Ignatian Spirituality NZ. 

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