Marist History 
Advice from Fr Colin to Peter Chanel(Comments Off on Advice from Fr Colin to Peter Chanel)
Peter Chanel had already been a priest of the diocese of Belley for three years when he asked to join the Society of Mary at the beginning of 1831.… More
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Celebrating Fr Colin’s Birthday
7 August
Text by the Editor
Photos: Fr Ron Nissen SM
Jean-Claude Colin, the founder of the Society of Mary, was born on 7 August 1790 in Barbery, in the Beaujolais region of central France.… More

Celebrating Fourvière Day – 23 July
Early in the morning on 23 July 1816, twelve men crossed the Saône River in the city of Lyons, France. They were making their way from St Irenaeus diocesan seminary to the top of the hill of Fourvière.… More

The Cause of Fr Jean-Claude Colin
The work of Fr Jean Coste
Fr Jean Coste SM gained his doctorate in theology at the Faculté Catholique in Lyons.… More