Tag Archive for ‘ecology’

Hauropi Mariana -A Marian Integral Ecology
Part 1 of 2 He mihi tēnei ki a koe Hine nui o te Ao Katoa. Ko koe Maria Takakau, ko Te Tātāhou. Ko koe Te Whaea, ko Te Māra Kai. Ko koe te Kuini o te Aonui. He mihi anō ki te Kaipānui o tēnei kaupapa. Mā tēnei kaupapa morearea tō ngākau e tuwhera. […]

Something Old – Something New
Part 8 of 8 A Possible Marist Spiritual Ecology: Part 2 The fourth Dimension: ‘Mission’ – Bugey and Oceania This is the final article in our 8-part framework of proposing a paradigm for re-energising our Marist Story by re-connecting it with the Universal Story. We have viewed our Marist Story as having four foundational dimensions: […]

Something Old – Something New
Part 4 of 7 A Possible Marist Integral Ecology Part 3 The third of three Circles: ‘to act justly’ Framework 1. Circle 3: Mission in an Eco-Conscious World In our first article we reflected on ‘walking humbly with God’ [Micah 6:8] — personal holiness — the first of three inter-related, and inter-connected circles, for a possible Marist […]

Something Old – Something New [1]
Part 3 of 7 A Possible Marist Integral Ecology – Part 2 [The second of three Circles: ‘to love tenderly’] Circle 2: ‘Loving tenderly’ – The Ecological Community In our last article we reflected on ‘walking humbly with God’ [Micah 6:8] — personal holiness — the first of three inter-related, and inter-connected circles, for a possible Marist Integral […]

Laudato Si
Pope Francis has recently issued a letter to the world entitled “Praise Be.” In it he continues what the Church has always held, only he focuses these long held truths on our modern age. The relationship of the human race to God has always been one of creature to creator. Humanity has always been at […]
Saturday 7 July
Amos 9:11-15, Ps.85, Matthew 9:14-17 A people redeemed Today’s first reading paints a beautiful picture of a happy future and a country at peace, where everyone has a place to live, enough to eat, and worthwhile work to do. Utopian, too good to be true? Maybe, but something to work towards and to pray for. […]

Evangelisation, Ecology and Solidarity with Christchurch
Evangelisation is the task for all Church Members Commenting on the choice of theme, the Pope affirmed that “the faith cannot endure by itself in the world, it is not automatically transmitted to men’s hearts but always has to be announced. And the announcement of the faith, in order to be effective, must come from […]