A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Wednesday 24 July

Exodus 16:1-5, 9-15; Psalm 78; Matthew 13:1-9

The potential of the seed

We have passed the winter equinox and we imagine the days getting a little bit lighter, even if they still seem a little bit wetter! Jesus uses many images in his parables from the land and in today’s gospel he portrays the seed and the sower as images of the kingdom. So much potential lies within the seed that given the right conditions it will sprout and eventually produce an abundant harvest – the plainest and ugliest of seeds can produce a wonderful crop or beautiful flowers. We are like that seed; we are also like the different soils so vital for the flourishing plant. Whether we find our hearts like fertile or rocky soil, let’s spend some time today in prayer with Jesus the sower and nurturer of the seed of faith and encouragement.

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