A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘winter’

God Became Man?

This story was shared with me: There was a religious sceptic who worked as a farmer. One raw winter night, the man heard scuffling sounds against the kitchen door. He went to a window and saw tiny, shivering sparrows, attracted to the light and warmth in the house, beating in vain against the door. Touched, […]

Wednesday 24 July

Exodus 16:1-5, 9-15; Psalm 78; Matthew 13:1-9 The potential of the seed We have passed the winter equinox and we imagine the days getting a little bit lighter, even if they still seem a little bit wetter! Jesus uses many images in his parables from the land and in today’s gospel he portrays the seed […]

Tuesday 2 July

Genesis 19:15-29; Psalm 26; Matthew 8:23-27 Out of control There are times when we seem out of control in our journey of faith – with financial or family worries, employment or pressing deadlines, repeated changes in our local faith communities and parishes, all these and more become like the winter storms dancing upon the roof […]

In Winter

In winter the earth seems to slow down and even though the days are shorter the nights are much longer and slower! It’s good sleeping weather and perhaps hard getting-out-of-bed weather! The dark mornings seem to be saying “Don’t get up yet, no hurry!” The bare branches of many trees leave skeletons waiting to spring […]