A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Thursday 14 September

the Triumph of the Cross

Numbers 21:4-9, Psalm 78, Philippians 2:6-11,
John 3:13-17

Contemplate the Cross

How is my life connected to Jesus Christ’s Cross? Is it just a liturgical connection at Easter? Do I delete the unpleasantness of the Cross from my living out of the Gospel? If I pursue an easy churched life with some Christian overtones then I can have nothing in common with Jesus Christ. In dying to my sinful life, I must look often on Christ’s Cross. I feel the pain he felt. The hurts others inflict on me are borne because he bore them first. Somehow the Cross gives me a spiritual strength, renews my faith, hope and love and I go on. Love of the Cross raises me up to continue the redeeming work started by Jesus Christ.

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