A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Wednesday 23 July

St Bridget of Sweden,
Patron of Europe

Jeremiah 1:1, 4-10; Ps 71; Matthew 13:1-9

Growing old

David’s psalm, a plea written in his old age asking God not to forget him. “Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go… From birth I have relied on you… Do not cast me away when I am old…do not forsake me when my strength is gone… I will always have hope…I will praise you more and more” Let us be like David and ask God not to forget us as we grow old, feeble and lonely.

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1 Responses »

  1. And God says, "I will never forget you."
    Perhaps we need to pray, also, that we have an open mind to see how God accompanies us every moment;
    to recognise LOVE revealed in a tender touch, a friendly phone call, a compassionate health professional,
    the gift of a new day, the serenade of tui, the playfulness of the piwakawaka, the smile of a stranger.
    Perhaps we need to pray for a grateful heart, which acknowledges the undivided attention of a loving presence.
    Perhaps we need to recognise that our frailty and loneliness allows another to minister to us, revealing the compassionate heart and hands of God.
    And God says " I will never forget you."