A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Monday 25 November

Daniel 1:1-6, 8-20, Cant Daniel 3:1-4,
Luke 21:1-4

Putting in all we have to live on

The poverty-stricken widow put into the treasury of the temple all she had to live on. Daniel, and his companions put into their training for the King’s court all the faith, intelligence, and will-power they had to live on. Jesus, Son of God, put into our human life, the fullness of Divinity - all he had to live on. With generosity then being the measure of greatness let us not be afraid to give to God, and to those we have been called to serve, all we have to live on. And may we do so not out of duty, or with resentment, but with a joyful heart in union with the heart of Christ.

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