A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Cant Daniel’

Friday 29 November

Daniel 7:2-14, Cant Daniel 3:2-5, Luke 21:29-33 My words will never pass away Extraordinary events give rise to extraordinary people and extraordinary hope. The sufferings of God’s People in Daniel’s time gave rise to the vision and promise of the ‘son of man’, on whom was conferred all sovereignty and whom all people were called […]

Thursday 28 November

Daniel 6:12-28, Cant Daniel 3:7-3:12, Luke 21:20-28 Hold your heads high When Daniel was thrown into the Lions’ den he trusted in God, who sent his angel to deliver him. His deliverance led to the conversion of his captor. When Jesus faced his trial, suffering and death, he trusted in his Father who raised him […]

Wednesday 27 November

Daniel 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-1, 23-28, Cant Daniel 3:4-6, Luke 21:5-11 Endurance “Endurance will win you your lives”. These are the words of our Master. In the first reading we see Daniel, who had been taken captive as a slave, now giving advice to the King who was trembling in his boots at the wrath of […]

Tuesday 26 November

Daniel 2:31-45, Cant Daniel 3:1-3 , Luke 21:5-11 Keep the focus The daily news focuses on the destructive elements at work in the world – war, famine, flood, drought, earthquakes, plagues. Jesus tells us “do not be frightened, for this is something that must happen”. We must keep our eyes fixed on him, our trust […]

Monday 25 November

Daniel 1:1-6, 8-20, Cant Daniel 3:1-4, Luke 21:1-4 Putting in all we have to live on The poverty-stricken widow put into the treasury of the temple all she had to live on. Daniel, and his companions put into their training for the King’s court all the faith, intelligence, and will-power they had to live on. […]