A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Saturday 16 November

Wisdom 18:14-16, 19:6-9, Ps105, Luke 18:1-8

Faith and Persistence

The eternal Word, through whom God created the universe is still at work, and always will be. Often this Word works in silence, darkness, and obscurity. Only faith can recognize God at work. The great mysteries of our Faith: the Incarnation, the Resurrection, the Ascension, so well known to us now, actually happened in a silent and obscure way, witnessed by a few people only, people who were able to believe that God was at work. When we realize this truth then we are able to keep faith, pray continually, and never lose heart in the ordinary events of life. God works silently and persistently in re-creating the universe. Let us pray also silently and persistently so he can work in and through us.

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