Tag Archive for ‘faith’
Friday 27 January
Hebrews 10:32-39; Psalm 37:3-6, 23-24, 39-40; Mark 4:26-34 Keeping the faith Life isn’t easy. There are good times when things flow smoothly and we’re happy with life. There are challenging times when we’re tossed on a stormy sea and wonder how we’re going to get through. We feel afraid and alone. Today we are reminded […]
Monday 4 July
Hosea 2: 16-18, 21-22, Psalm 145: 2-9, Matthew 9: 18-26 The fruits of faith The faith of the leader of the synagogue is impressive, as is the faith of the woman with the haemorrhage. It seems that the Lord is deeply touched when he finds such deep faith. How often in our lives […]
Thursday 30 June
Amos 7:10-17; Psalm 19: 8-11; Matthew 9:1-8 The miracle of faith Why so few miracles? If Jesus is God why not heal everyone? Today’s reading shines a light on this question which has perplexed and angered many. Healing everyone would not lead people to acknowledge the truth about God’s plan for us revealed in Jesus. […]
Thursday 21 April
EASTER OCTAVE Acts 3:11-26; Psalm 8; Luke 24:35-48 Influenced by faith of others Now a larger group see Jesus, and they are alarmed! Jesus sees their doubt and invites them to touch him, and then he eats some food. Yes, it really is Jesus! It is the witness of these disciples that grounds our own […]
Tuesday 22 February
Saint Peter’s Chair (F) 1 Peter 5:1-4; Psalm 23; Matthew 16:13-19 The unity of faith The Feast of the Chair of Peter is a feast about the unity of the church. It is a feast we celebrate in a limited and broken way in the church of our time. The divisions within Christianity go against […]
Saturday 5 February
St Agatha (M) 1 Kings 3:4-13; Psalm 119:9-14; Mark 6:30-34 The witness of faith St Agatha was tortured and martyred in Catania, Sicily during the persecution of Decius around the year 250 AD. Throughout history, and even in our day, men and women are dying for their Christian faith. The age of martyrs is not […]
February Saints
St Kuriakose Elias Chavara (1805-1871) Kuriakose Chavara was born in Kainakary, Kerala, India, and was baptised soon after. He was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. After attending the village school, he entered the seminary in 1818 at Pallipuram and was ordained a priest in 1829. His special intention during his first Mass was realised when […]
January Saints
Blessed Emmanuel Gonzales Garcia (1877-1940) Manuel González García was born in Seville, Spain. In his childhood he joined the church choir and enlisted in the seminary of Seville at the age of twelve for studies for the priesthood. A priest was all he ever wished to be. He excelled in all his studies, earning doctorates in both […]
Monday 29 November
Isaiah 2:1-5; Psalm 122:1-2, 4-5, 6-9; Matthew 8:5-11 A story of faith The centurion, who understood authority and status, recognised, in Jesus, someone of great power. We do not know if he understood the divinity of Jesus, but he was so humble in front of him that he knew that Jesus could heal his servant […]
Hauropi Mariana
A Marian Integral Ecology – Part 2 of 2 To be Mary, Virgin: Ko te Whaea – Ko te Tātāhou To be like Mary, to imitate her quality of presence, is to be as soil. Our food, our shelter, our clothing, the air we breathe all depend on soil. To be like Mary is to […]