A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Resurrection’

Monday 24 October

Ephesians 4:32–5:8; Psalm 1:1-4, 6; Luke 13:10-17 Resurrection On this Day of the Lord (Sabbath) a woman is raised up – resurrected. It is the most appropriate day. She is restored to health. The reference to being bound by Satan is not personal to this poor woman. It is the brokenness that afflicts all human […]

Resurrection in time of Coronavirus

The following is extracted from a podcast of the same name. We’re coming up on Holy Week. That might be hard to believe. This is supposed to be the pinnacle of the Christian calendar as we prepare to corporately reflect on the Passion of Christ: beginning with Palm Sunday, then Holy Thursday foot washing, Good […]

Halleluja, He is Risen

Halleluja, He is Risen This month we celebrate the most important events of our faith: the death and resurrection of Jesus. Our cover and middle pages feature a striking painting by modern American artist Wayne Pascall. Halleluja, He is Risen shows the moment when Jesus leaves his tomb, bathed in incandescent light. During Lent we […]

Life, Death and Protests

The other day I walked down to the centre of the city from the Messenger office. My route took me past Parliament. It so happened – unbeknown to me – there was a cavalcade of vehicles gathering there – it was the so called ‘anti-mandate’ convoy and protest. I spotted banners against the use of […]

Thursday 22 July

St Mary Magdalene (M) Song of Songs 3:1-4, Psalm 62, John 20:1-2, 11-18 Resurrection faith Try pondering this Gospel like the Virgin Mary. She was entrusted to be the mother of God, was the first to go in haste to Elizabeth with that good news and had to share it with Joseph. Here Mary Magdalene […]

The Easter Triduum

Triduum means three days of prayer. What binds together the three days of the Easter Triduum — Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil — is that all of them are Easter. Each, in their way, celebrates Christ’s dying and rising from the dead. The liturgy does not, in fact, separate Our Lord’s death […]

R.I.P. Death of a Computer

    It’s still magic, even if you know how it’s done. – Terry Pratchett, 1948-2015 A Hat Full of Sky     Artwork by Felicity Ann Nettles Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. – Arthur Clarke, 1917-2008 British science writer and inventor Profiles of the Future It was a quiet summer morning […]

Francis Speaks

Extracts from the Pope’s Easter Vigil homily, 20 April 2019 The women bring spices to the tomb, but they fear that their journey is in vain, since a large stone bars the entrance to the sepulchre. At times, it seems that everything comes up against a stone … It seems that the steps we take […]

“… just after the sun had risen…”

A high school student wrote, “I had just finished my paper route on Easter morning. As I passed the church, the sun was coming up. I didn’t intend to go in for Mass, because I was in the midst of a teenage rejection of the Church. Then it happened! The sun hit the big silver […]

The Death of Jesus…

… and how the Resurrection Changes the Way We See the World The disbelief One of the objections devout Muslims have with Christianity is that the All-Holy and All-Powerful One could die as a man. Others, who lean towards conspiracy theories, believe that Jesus’s disciples rescued him from the cross, then hid him, while spreading […]