Sunday 10 November
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
2 Macc 7:1-2, 9-14, Ps.17, 2 Thess 2:16-3:5,
Luke 20:27-38
Will we be raised from the dead or not? This question was disputed by the Sadducees: but Jesus assures his questioners that revelation has shown God to raise our forebears from death to life. Faith in this truth is what enables the seven brothers in Maccabees to face torture and death. Knowledge of this truth enabled Jesus himself to face his own torture and death. Faith in Jesus’ resurrection from the dead is what enables our Christian brothers and sisters in so many countries today to face discrimination, suffering, persecution, torture, and death. [For facts – google “Aid to the Church in Need”]. May we, who know the grace and comfort of God’s love, do our part in tending to the human suffering Body of Christ in this world, until the Resurrection is completed at the end of time.