A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘wedding’

Thursday 19 August

Judges 11:29-39; Psalm 40; Matthew 22:1-14. Without a wedding garment Over the years I have felt sorry for our almost wedding guest, in the parable today. So, his public demise, bound hand and foot, have stirred in my reflecting. God’s presence is all-pervading as is the Kingdom of Heaven. We live in this stunning land, […]

Planning for My Future

Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour. Matthew 25:13 The writing group I attend at The Cenacle Retreat House every other week started about ten years ago with a group of about eight women. The purpose of the group was to encourage each of us to write […]

Friday 6 September

Colossians 1:15-20; Psalm 100; Luke 5:33-39 Jesus Christ fullness of God for us Who is Christ? Paul proclaims that in him “all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell”. Jesus Christ is God-with-us and for all time. Jesus the carpenter from Nazareth knew that he was the “new wine” that could not be contained […]

Thursday 22 August

Mary, Mother and Queen (m) Judges 11:29-39; Psalm 40; Matthew 22:1-14 Clothed with Christ The Judges story is appalling, revealing the foolishness of rash vows. Human sacrifice was forbidden (Leviticus 18:21), so priests are unlikely to have fulfilled this holocaust. The daughter spent two months bewailing her ‘virginity’. Many scholars believe she was set apart […]

Wednesday 19 September

1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13; Psalm 33; Luke 7:31-35 Obstinacy, obstacle in the spiritual life Jesus ponders aloud the people of his time. In his pondering he provides the image of a group of children playing in the market place of a town. Some wanted to play a wedding, while others were determined to play a funeral. […]

Sunday 15 October

28TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME Isaiah 25:6-10; Psalm 23; Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20; Matthew 22:1-14 All are welcome God wants all of us to share in this banquet, no one is to be left out or excluded. Jesus makes use of the banquet image to convey God’s desire to nourish us. The offer is there but […]

Can You Bear It?

An American and a Czechoslovakian lawyer were trekking through the Rockies, when they were confronted by a male and a female bear. One of the bears grabbed the Czechoslovakian and killed and ate him. The rangers were soon on the scene. They asked the surviving lawyer which bear had killed his friend. He replied that […]

Thursday 18 August

Ezekiel 36:23-28; Ps 51; Matthew 22:1-14 Many are called Ask the Lord to give you a heart of flesh rather than a stony or rough heart; to give you a cleansed heart rather than one soiled by sin. Resolve to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation at regular intervals; maybe as each season comes around… it […]

Thursday 20 August

ST BERNARD, ABBOT (D) Judges 11:29-39; Ps. 40; Matthew 22:1-14 With every fibre of my being In telling the disciples the parable of the king whose invitations were spurned, Jesus shows although it is up to us to choose to accept or decline his Father’s invitations (and there will be more than one), we lose […]

Marriage Five Years On

Letter to a married couple on the 5th anniversary of their wedding Dear John and Mary, congratulations on 5 years of married life. It seems only yesterday that we gathered so joyfully for your wedding and now, 2 children later, Thomas and Rebecca, a few grey hairs and you are still smiling and talking to […]