A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘ministry’

Wednesday 13 January

Hebrews 2:14-18; Psalm 105; Mark 1:29-39 A typical day in the ministry of Jesus Many Scripture experts have commented that Mark is presenting, in summary form, a typical day in the ministry of Jesus. Prayer, proclamation of the Good News and works of mercy filled his every day. The more he became known the greater […]

A Faith Greater Than Fear

This article is adapted from the SM Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) blog jpicblog.maristsm.org It is used with permission       San Felipe de Jesus Catholic Church, Brownsville, Texas Here we were: ministering to Central American Minors in their centres and in the parish; taking food, clothes, and provisions to the asylum […]

Friday 11 October

Joel 1:13-15, 2:1-2; Psalm 9:1-6; Luke 11:15-26 Pope St John XXIII (OM) The day of the Lord is coming The Old Testament prophet Joel warned the people that “the day of the Lord is coming, yes it is near”. In his public ministry of teaching, healing and casting out devils, Jesus proclaimed that the day […]

Wednesday 17 July

Exodus 3:1-6, 9-12; Psalm 103; Matthew 11:25-27 Nuturing ministry In this beautiful gospel text we find an echo of Matthew’s first beatitude: ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven…’ Jesus seeks out the humble of heart, the poor, and the simple, those who know their need of God. These […]

Tuesday 16 July

Exodus 2:1-15; Psalm 69; Matthew 11:20-24 Gratitude At times, it can be relatively easy to look upon the ministry of Jesus as a success and to judge our own sharing in his ministry in those terms. It’s much harder to look upon his times of total exasperation at the fickleness of the crowd. If we […]

Thursday 11 July

St Benedict, abbot Genesis 44:18-21, 23-29, 45:1-5; Psalm 105; Matthew 10:7-15 Signs and wonders The apostles are called to proclaim the kingdom of God and to do so freely. The Acts of the Apostles gives a rich picture of both what this entailed and how the apostles built up their fledgling churches through generous and […]

Wednesday 10 July

Genesis 41:55-57, 42:5-7, 17-24; Psalm 33; Matthew 10:1-7 Ministry The actual details of the call of the twelve apostles are missing in Matthew’s gospel. What we do know is that they are to share intimately in the mission and ministry of Jesus through powers of healing and the gift of preaching the gospel. Their call […]

Tuesday 9 July

Genesis 32:23-33; Psalm 17; Matthew 9:32-38 Discipleship Throughout Aotearoa New Zealand we witness the changing shape of the Body of Christ, not only through our welcome to migrants and first generation New Zealanders, but also as different communities change and grow in their understanding of discipleship. A rich concept of collaboration and partnership in ministry […]

A School for Prayer (23)

Spiritual Guidance (2 of 5) The ancient tradition of the spiritual life By Fr Craig  Larkin SM, 1943 – 2015 The ‘Abba’ in the Desert Tradition From the beginning, the ministry of spiritual accompaniment or guidance belonged not to the hierarchic organization of the Church, but to the prophetic or “charismatic” part of the Church. […]

In My Prison Ministry There Are No Criminals

I have not been more passionate about any other ministry in my many years working in five countries than this walking with unaccompanied minors, aged 11 to 17, from Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador and now, Nicaragua. I am surprised what swirls up from deep within me and only recently have I gained a clue as to […]