A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Jews’

Wednesday 18 September

1 Timothy 3:14-16; Psalm 111; Luke 7:31-35 Jesus is human like us Today’s gospel reveals a very human Jesus, exasperated with the stubborn disbelief of the Jews. We are sometimes tempted to think that Jesus, being God, was different from us. Like him, we get angry, disappointed, sad and sometimes express our feelings to those […]

Friday 12 July

Genesis 46:1-7, 28-30; Psalm 37;Matthew 10:16-23 Religious freedom Only very occasionally do we reflect upon the gift of religious freedom, the ability to worship God, in freedom, according to our religious beliefs. The tragedy of 15 March 2019 in Christchurch has given us all pause. How many of our brothers and sisters – Jews, Christians […]

The Sabbath in the Jewish Tradition

On the seventh day God finished his work … and he rested … So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all his work of creation. The Sabbath, as it has been observed over the past 2,000 years, has two elements: the positive elements involve the observance of […]

Friday 23 March

Jeremiah 20:10-13; Psalm 18:2-7; John 10:31-42 The Lord is at my side The prophet Jeremiah and Jesus suffered rejection from the religious people of their day. The unbelieving Jews denounced Jeremiah for his uncompromising fidelity to God’s covenant; and denounced Jesus for blasphemy “because he says ‘I am the Son of God’.” Their minds and […]

Sunday 18 March

FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT Jeremiah 31:31-34; Psalm 51:3-4, 12-15; Hebrews 5:7-9; John 12:20-33 A pure heart, create for me, O God The new, eternal covenant promised by Jeremiah became visible in the person of Jesus. This why some Jews and Greeks – seeking God – asked to see Jesus. They wanted to be his disciples. […]

Sunday 21 January

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Jonah 3:1-5,10; Psalm 25; 1 Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20 A God of tenderness and compassion God called Jonah to preach repentance to the Ninevites, former enemies of the Jews. Taking fright, Jonah fled to Spain instead. But God had other ideas involving a storm and a huge fish. Eventually Jonah […]

A Mitzvah — a Labour of Love

The opportunity to explore another culture and religion doesn’t happen often, so when I spotted an exhibition of Jewish memorabilia at the Wellington Jewish Community Centre I had to go. Collected and curated by Michael Clements, president of the New Zealand Jewish Archives, the week-long exhibition offered a fascinating snapshot of Jewish life in New […]