A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Thursday 26 September

Haggai 1:1-8; Psalm 149; Luke 9:7-9

Wanting to be with Jesus

Today’s gospel does not seem very inspiring! Could Herod’s perplexity have anything to say to us? Perhaps it would be helpful to look at ourselves to see why we seek Jesus. Are our prayers of petition motivated at times by selfishness? Are we able to relate to Jesus, not for any tangible benefit, but just because we love him and want to be close to him? We do not relate to our closest friends because of what they might give us but just because we love to be with them and to share our deepest selves with them. Maybe we could pray, at least sometimes, without asking for anything at all! Just simply loving Jesus, spending time with him who is our friend, thanking him and letting him embrace us.

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