A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Wednesday 31 July

St Ignatius of Loyola

Exodus 34:29-35; Psalm 99; Matthew 13:44-46

Lost Treasure

There is always great excitement when divers discover a long-lost ship that has been lying on the ocean floor for years. The forgotten treasure is eagerly brought up to the surface and displayed for all to see. Sometimes our own gifts can lie dormant at the bottom of our hearts. They have stopped being a source of inspiration and hope for ourselves and for those with whom we live in relationship.

It is sad when people take their gifts to the grave. Ignatius was not afraid to change even though there were times in his life when he clearly had better plans than what God had wanted for him. By being continually open to grace, he was able to leave his precious life-giving gifts of discernment and prayer to the Body of Christ in such a way that these gifts continue to nourish the church each

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