A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Saturday 27 April

Acts 4:13-21; Psalm 118; Mark 16:9-15

Living faith

One of the most consistent responses that Mark wants us to notice is the initial lack of belief. Today’s gospel revises the lack of belief from those who only heard about Jesus being alive again. Maybe what is implied here is that it simply is not good enough for each of us to read or hear about Jesus Risen, we have to fall deeper into our own personal experience of Jesus risen. Our faith is also about our experience, and the deep inner knowing of resurrection. It isn’t information, but formation that moves us. We might marvel at the stories and lives of others who believe, but all of this is pale compared to our own inner relishing. Lord help each of us not to just hear about you, but to cherish in our hearts the personal way we encounter you. We cannot live another person’s faith; we live our own.

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