A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Saturday 26 September

St Therese Couderc, Cenacle Foundress

Zechariah 2:5-9, 14-15; Canticle of Jeremiah 31:10-14; Luke 9:43-45

Let these words sink in

Today is the Feast of St Therese Couderc who founded the Cenacle Sisters in 1826 in France. Her prevailing attitude to life was one of surrender and openness to seeing Goodness in all things; her desire was to discover God in all people and places. Her vision created places of hospitality where people might experience God and, especially through retreats and spiritual direction, come to an intimate relationship with God. This can transform our lives and, like a koru, spiral out and change our world.

Pray: Spirit of God, transform me; transform us.

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