A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tuesday 6 March

Isaiah 1:10, 16-20, Ps. 50, Matthew 23:1-12

The cloth or the cause?

Jesus speaks to his followers about leaders not practising what they preach. There is a gap between their ideals and reality. It is easy for all of us to be distracted by man-made rules and the outer trappings of our faith institutions. Jesus calls us to be champions of his cause, which is to bring about the reign of God. If we stand accused of being disloyal to the cloth or the the uniform, it may be a sign of our commitment to the cause. “Do you want to know if your Christianity is genuine? Here is the touchstone: whom do you not get along with? Who are those who criticise you? Who are those who do not accept you?” Archbishop Oscar Romero. Pray with this quote.

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