A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘true self’

Saturday 26 October

Romans 8:1-11; Psalm 24; Luke 13:1-9 God makes his home in you The interior conflict between our unspiritual self and our spiritual self continues in today’s first reading. While we are saddened by our unspiritual self asserting itself over our spiritual self, Paul reminds us that our true self in Christ will be victorious ultimately […]

Friday 25 October

Romans 7:18-25; Psalm 119:33-40; Luke 12:54-59 The will to do what is good Paul describes our common experience in daily life, namely, the interior conflict between our weak unspiritual, false self (the legacy of Adam’s sin); and the consoling joy of our spiritual, true self, (the legacy of our “re-creation in Christ” by Baptism and […]

Monday 28th December

FEAST OF the Holy Innocents: 1 Jn 1:5-2:2 the false self is the blockage to my self-fulfillment but this beautiful text, expressed as darkness to light, reveals the path to my true self. If I accept who I truly am God can work with me to be who I am meant to be. Mt 2: […]

Saturday 5th December

Is 30: 19-21 life is distressful and painful and it is also nourishing and rich; it is my true self lived out according to my lights. ‘This is the way, follow it.’ Then I know the Lord dresses my wounds and heals my bruises. Mt 9:35-10:1,6-8 the kingdom of God is already here and I […]

The True Self

I recently came to realise that I was a bundle of vanities I showcased – go-getter, communicator, writer, novelist, one-time politician, clever handyman, descended from Irish gentry, etc. etc. Yes, larger than life. Still coming to terms with this painful self-awareness, I learned from Richard Rohr that we have dual personalities – the real me […]