Tag Archive for ‘Sr Wendy Beckett’
Sunday April 17
Passion Sunday Isaiah 50:4-7, Ps 22, Philippians 2:6-11, Matthew 26:14-27, 66 We must not fear partings Sr Wendy Beckett says, “Life contains inevitable partings and inescapable pain. We are alive in proportion to our response to love, and our pain at parting is in proportion to the extent of that love.” Parting is such a […]
Monday April 4
Isaiah 65:17-21, Ps 30, John 4:43-54 Surprised by joy Sr Wendy Beckett suggests, “Joy not only illuminates our interior landscape but transforms it.” We are called to be a people of joy: a joy that delights in life; in love; in others; in creation and in the divine. Joy is reflected in our face, our […]