A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Saint Mary’

June Saints

Saint Rafael Guizar Valencia (1878-1938) St Rafael Guizar Valencia was born in Cotija, Mexico in 1878 to wealthy and devout parents. After a good education, Rafael entered the seminary and was ordained priest in 1901. An evangelist at heart, he began to move around Mexico giving missions and founded the Missionaries of Our Lady of […]

April Saints

Saint Mary of Egypt (c344-c421) Mary’s claim to fame was her early life. At the age of twelve, she left her home and came to Alexandria, where for upwards of seventeen years she led a life of public prostitution. She joined a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, not for pious reasons but to carry on her shameless […]

Can You Bear It

Jack and Jill go to the zoo, and are at the bear enclosure. Jack is amazed by what he sees. “That’s a pretty strange animal”, says Jack. “Why is that?” asks Jill. “Because it lays eggs,” replies Bill. “How do know that?” says Jill. J ack replies, “Because that sign says ‘Himalayan Bear’” A priest […]