A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘relationships’

Monday 18 April

Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42; John 10:1-10 A living community of believers The early believers had great difficulties in working out their relationships with non-Jews. Peter helped them to see, through his own experiences, that the Holy Spirit was guiding them to a new and deeper understanding of what the ‘community of believers’ meant. Guided by […]

Saturday 17 January

St Anthony, Abbot Hebrews 4:12-16, Ps.19B, Mark 2:13-17 Dinner with Jesus The dinner table is where we enjoy, develop and strengthen our human relationships. It’s where we have our best and most intimate conversations. What would it be like to have dinner with Jesus? Why not make that the imaginary setting for your today’s prayer […]

Sunday 27 October

Thirtieth Week Ordinary Time Ecclesiasticus 35:12-14, 16-19, Psalm 34,2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18, Luke 18:9-14 “Jesus told this parable to those who were convinced of their own righteousness. The Pharisee prayed, ‘thank God I am not like the rest of humanity, greedy and dishonest’. The tax collector stood at a distance and prayed, ‘O God be […]

Monday 21 October

Romans 4:20-25, Benedictus, Luke 12:13-21. “Jesus said, ‘watch and be on your guard against avarice of any kind, for your life is not made secure by what you own, even when you have more than you need’.” Recently I’ve been sorting through some things that have been packed away. I found some treasures and some […]


I’ve been plagued with religious scruples all my life. They run in my family. If I give way to them they become more demanding … expecting my daily living to be some kind of saintly sacrifice which is totally beyond the efforts of ordinary folk like me. The trap is to think these impulses come […]

Wednesday 4 September

Colossians 1: 1-8, Psalm 52, Luke 4: 38-44 Healing within the family In this passage Luke gives a lovely picture of family relationships. Simon Peter’s mother-in-law is seriously ill and her family ask Jesus to do something for her, which he does by leaning over her and saying the fever had no place in her. […]

Wednesday 14 August

St Maximilian Kolbe – memorial Deuteronomy 34:1-12, Ps.66, Matthew 18:15-20 A living family of God We are baptised into a communion, the church as the body of Christ, a living family of God. As in any family, church relationships are challenging. The principles apply for any community. Jesus speaks about mutual respect, trust, the importance […]

Talking about spirituality today – 8 – Ministry and Leisure

Five Gospel Loves: Ministry and Leisure We have discussed self-acceptance/self-denial and prayer/humour. We come to the third Gospel love – ministry and leisure. Ministry ‘Ministry’ is used here not to describe those with public roles in the Church’s life – priests, religious or ‘lay’ ministers. The word denotes the other side of the universal call […]

Saturday 8 September

Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary Micah 5:1-4, or Romans 8:28-30, Ps 13, Matthew 1:1-16, 18-23 Relationship Five women appear in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. The relationship of each of them is irregular. Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Uriah’s mother and Mary. “Before Mary came to live with Joseph she was found to be with child […]

Tuesday 29 May

1 Peter 1:10-16, Ps 98, Mark 10:28-31 Select your thoughts Mine is a ‘monkey-mind’: thoughts leap around in an uncontrollable frenzy. Regrets, ‘to-do’ lists, ‘what-ifs’, past conversations, future plans, decisions. I need to select my thoughts. Edit some. Action others. Acknowledge some and then set them aside on the altar of my heart. Actively listen […]