Tag Archive for ‘marriage’

MARRIAGE Means One Man and One Woman
WHEN I am writing I have a degree of confidence. But when I am talking/discussing/arguing I often become inarticulate. I stumble, repeat myself, struggle for the right word – sometimes making a complete goose of myself. Although nowadays I almost never feel rage, on the rare occasions I do, I almost always fall into this […]
Sunday 7 October
Ps.128, Genesis 2:18-24, Hebrews 2:9-11, Mark 10:2-16 The gift of marriage It cannot be a coincidence that the day I reflected on these Readings was my 46th wedding anniversary! So, I thank God for the gift of marriage and for giving me such a wonderful and dear wife to share my life with. The one-ness […]
Friday 17 August
Canticle Isaiah p.170; Ezekiel 16:1-15,59-63; Matthew 19:3-12 Individuality Once again they try to trap Jesus, this time with leading questions on divorce. Jesus responds in a way that makes each one of us a unique person. “Some are incapable of marriage because they were born so, some….” Could we think about the concept that every […]
Thursday 2 August
Ps 146; Jeremiah 18:1-6; Matthew 13:47-53 Trust Have you ever experienced an event that left you wondering about the goodness of the Lord – an unsuccessful operation, an illness, the death of a young person, a marriage breakup, etc? Today’s readings remind us to put our trust in the Lord. Should we be like clay […]

Notes on homosexual ‘marriage’
Marriage Marriage has, from “the beginning” (see Matthew 19:4-6), been between a man and a woman. It was established by God as the foundation of family life, society and culture. It is universal in application and is common to all nations, societies and cultures. For that reason, both national and international longitudinal studies, evidence that […]

Same Sex Friendships
I have respect for most same sex friendships. I value deeply my friendships with other men. Some of my men and women friends have close friendships with others of the same sex. I do not have a problem with that. If some of these people want to call their friendship ‘marriage’, I do have a […]

The beauty of faith and message to engaged couples
VIS 17 Sep 2011 Benedict XVI recalled how Paul had travelled to the Greek city of Philippi some twenty years after the death and resurrection of Christ, being the first time that the Gospel reached Europe. Starting from Jerusalem, the Good News “was destined to reach all men and all peoples, to transform all cultures […]

Encourage Marriage!
In the August edition of the Messenger we published an article by Bob Renshaw on the effect of the media on personal relationships. One of our readers wishes to disagree in part, and propose alternatives. While I agree with Bob Renshaw that the normalisation of casual relationships can only cripple families and is particularly harmful […]

The Gospel of Matthew – Part 5
Chapters 16-17: Who is Jesus? After warning his disciples about the Pharisees and Sadducees, Jesus turns away from those leaders and from the Galilean crowds to focus on his disciples. The encounter at Caesarea Philippi and the Transfiguration dominate this section. Most people thought that Jesus was one of the prophets come back to life. […]
Friday 12 August
Joshua 24:1-13, Ps.136, Matthew 19:3-12 The mystery of love Love has many faces. The English language has only one word to describe the many faces of love. The kind of love that we reflect on in today’s readings is Covenant Love – the love that God has for all of us. Covenant Love is also […]