A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘goodness’

Monday 6 November

Romans 11:29-36; Psalm 69; Luke 14:12-14. God is SO generous Paul tells the Romans that everything that exists comes from God. I know that, but how often do I stop and remember? What is the greatest gift God has given me? My life? My friends? My family? A sunny day? Perhaps it is God’s mercy […]

Thursday 12 October

Malachi 3:13-20; Psalm 1; Luke 11:5-13 Persistence God persists in his goodness towards us. The story that Jesus unravels about God towards us, is a deepening of his teaching about prayer. Prayer is about becoming present to the Presence. A presence that persists in care for us. Surely, one of the ways we relax, is […]

Tuesday 26 September

Ezra 6:7-8,12,14-20, Psalm 122, Luke 8:19-21 Trust in God Paradoxically, this truth about the mission of Jesus Christ comes to be known through building up family and parish life. Churches need family and parish life but the Word of God cannot be bound even by this goodness. Few are called to cut ties with their […]

Sunday 17 September

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Ecus.27:30-28:7, Psalm 103, Romans 14:7-9, Matthew 18:21-35 Forgive and forgive Jesus Christ tells me a graphic story today about the relationship of my sin, repentance and forgiveness to my ability to forgive others the hurt they inflict on me. Forgiving must be done often and deeply. In marriage both frequency […]

Saturday 29 July

ST MARTHA Exodus 24:3–8; Psalm 50; Matthew 13:24–30 Goodness prevails The farmer deals wisely with a difficult situation. He does not respond with revenge and violence towards one who set out to harm his crop. Instead, he hasconfidence that his wheat will survive the effects of growing amidst the weeds. Ponder how trusting in goodness […]

Tuesday 18 July

Exodus 2:1–15; Psalm 69; Matthew 11:20–24 Beyond borders Tones of the anguish of love which has been rejected run through, and lie beneath, Jesus’ harsh words to his chosen town of Capernaum and the Galilee towns of Bethsaida and Chorazin where his good works had been done. Jesus declares the Gentile cities would have received […]

Tuesday 18 April

Acts 2:36-41; Psalm 33; John 20:11-18 The pain of love The pain of Mary’s sorrow is easily understood, and her eyes were so blurred with tears that she failed to recognise the One she loved so much. As well, though, the Lord had changed. Mary had seen him dead, battered, bruised; now he was transformed. […]

Monday 10 April

Isaiah 42:1-7; Psalm 27; John 12:1-11 Light of the nations Lazarus, Martha and Mary, good friends of Jesus, recognised him as Lord and Saviour, and bathed in the light of his goodness and love. Judas, obsessed with money, was blind to the Christ-light, and closed off from his love. As we enter into the holiest […]

Saturday 8 April

Ezekiel 37:21-18; Response: Jeremiah 31:10-13; John 11:45-56 I will be their God The promise expressed in today’s first reading is fulfilled in Christ. In Christ, God has made an eternal covenant with us. Jesus died so that once more we might be one with God. God’s acceptance of his sacrifice was confirmed in his resurrection. […]

Thursday 30 March

Exodus 32:7-14; Psalm 106; John 5:31-47 Our testimony Jesus castigates the Jewish leaders for refusing to accept all his miracles as evidence that he came from God. ‘These same deeds testify that the Father has sent me.’ We, Christ’s disciples, are also ‘sent’ by God, to bring his love, compassion, healing and mercy to others, […]