Tag Archive for ‘Family’
Archbishop John Dew has contrasted the freedom of speech prevailing at the synod on the family with the atmosphere at a past synod. He said Pope Francis’s invitation to synod members to speak boldly and not to be afraid is creating a new dynamic. The fact that topics like Communion for the divorced and remarried […]
Wednesday 14 May
Acts 1:15-17,20-26, Ps 113, John 15:9-17 International day of the Family Jesus commands us to love. He doesn’t ask, plead, suggest or explain he simply commands. He knows that love will work. Love changes everything and everyone – the givers, the observers and the receivers. As Pope Benedict said in Deus Caritas Est “Love grows […]
Sunday 29 December
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Eccus 3:2-6, 12-14, Ps 127:1-5, Col 3:12-21, Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23 Families The Holy Family was the perfect family. Our family isn’t perfect. We don’t have perfect children like Jesus. They don’t have perfect parents like Joseph and Mary. Yet I believe we love each other as much […]
Thursday 7 November
Rom 14:7-12, Ps 27, Luke 15:1-10 Lost and found We know the experience of losing what is precious to us: even simple things like a beloved animal, or [the ever necessary] money: and we know the experience of joy when we find the animal, or the money we have lost. Imagine then the sorrow of […]
Tuesday 24 September
Ezra 6: 7-8, 12, 14-20, Psalm 122, Luke 8:19-21 Family first In Maori and Japanese, there are no special words for brother or sister, but a whole set of complex kinship terms. Jesus is not playing mind-games when he widens the definition of family to encompass all those who hear and respond to the Word […]

Venerable Cornelia Connelly — Wife, Mother, Foundress
Many people today may not have heard of Cornelia Connelly, but this was not so in the middle of the 19th century. The drama-filled life of the Foundress of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus made news in Britain and the United States and she became a household name, though not always for the […]

St Joseph, Mainstay of Families
One of the invocations in the Litany of St Joseph that strikes a chord for me is St Joseph, Mainstay of Families, pray for us. We look in the Scripture and find precious little about St Joseph, but what little there is, is precious. He links Jesus to Israel .When he accepts Mary’s baby as […]

Sport, Family, the Church. Lourdes
The Church is not Indifferent to Sport – 8 June European Football Cup “This sporting event involves not only the organisers, the athletes and the fans but, in various ways, the whole of society”, the Pope writes. “The Church cannot remain indifferent to such an event, and in particular to the spiritual needs of the participants”. […]