A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘Easter’

Tuesday 3 April – Octave of Easter

Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33; John 20:11-18 Jesus has risen from the dead John describes Mary Magdalen weeping outside the empty tomb. Mary who had accompanied Jesus to Calvary. Anointed his body. She is overcome with grief at the empty tomb. Then her reward to be the first to meet Jesus. Joyful news to tell the […]

Monday 2 April – Octave of Easter

Acts 2:14,22-33; Ps 16; Matthew 28:8-15 Jesus has risen from the dead Matthew writes that the two Marys have found the tomb empty. They rush away to tell the disciples “Jesus has risen” Then they meet him! What joy they must experience. Jesus has risen – Christianity is alive and well as it is now […]

An Easter Sunday Reflection

What an alarming moment as Mary Magdalene and the disciples discover the empty tomb where Jesus had laid. Along with all the disciples, and with Jesus’ mother Mary, Mary Magdalene has been through several days of deep grief. The one who had held all their hopes was defeated, killed, destroyed, and along with his death […]

Reflections on Emmaus

We lament the state the world is in, understandably. There is so much sadness. So many people suffering as victims – of floods, fires, road accidents; or of mental, physical and sexual violation, hunger and malnutrition, homelessness; of slavery, sex trafficking, environmental destruction … the list of human misfortune and exploitation makes for truly sad […]

Monday 3 July

ST.THOMAS, APOSTLE Ephesians 2:19–22; Psalm 117; John 20:24–29 Always a choice Nothing suggests anyone was missing on Easter night when Jesus appeared. Thomas, however, was ‘not with’ the gathered disciples and is one of generations who will know the Resurrection, not through the experience of Easter, but through the testimony of the Church: ‘We have […]

Monday 1 May

Third Week of Easter Acts 6:8-15; Psalm 119G; John 6:22-29 Sharing our treasure Like the disciples who walked with Jesus in Galilee, we too have been seeking him in our daily lives. In John's Gospel Jesus challenges us to face up to our motives in trying to stay close to him. Are we merely looking […]

Monday 24 April

Second Week of Easter Acts 4:23-31; Psalm 2; John 3:1-8 Born of the Spirit God’s Holy Spirit can work wonders through us, and can enable us to ‘proclaim (God’s) message with all boldness, through the name of God’s holy servant Jesus.’ Through the Sacraments, and through our openness to the Spirit, God’s power is in […]

Sunday 23 April

Second Sunday of EasterDivine Mercy Sunday Acts 2:42-47; Psalm 118; 1 Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31 My Lord and my God Thomas’ wonderful act of faith is the statement to which the whole of St John’s Gospel is directed. He is our Lord and God too, and we are numbered among those described as ‘happy’ because […]

Monday 9 May

Seventh Week of Easter Acts 19:1-8, Ps 68, John 16:29-33 Be courageous The Sanhedrin is like a High Court. Paul was there because they feared him. The arresting Roman commander discovered that Paul not only spoke Greek and Hebrew but was both a Jew and a Roman citizen, which gave him rights. Then Paul attacked […]

Monday 2 May

Sixth Week of Easter Acts 16:11-15, Ps 149, John 15:26-16:4 ‘Come and stay’ Lydia is a woman for our time. A businesswoman and head of her household, she heard the Word of God and responded generously. She persuaded Paul to accept her hospitality, making her home the first worshipping community in the region. Lydia was […]