Tag Archive for ‘devil’
Friday 12 October
Galatians 3:7-14; Psalm 111; Luke 11:15-26 Are We For or Against? Some people are never satisfied. When Jesus casts out a devil, some watching say that he has that power because of the Prince of Devils; others want him to provide a sign from heaven just to make sure he is genuine (which rather begs […]
Monday 7 May
Acts 16:11-15; Psalm 149; John 15:26-16:4 You will be witnesses Jesus warns his disciples that troubles will come when they go out to witness. But he also reassures them that the Holy Spirit will come to them – the Spirit of truth. It’s easy to agree to anything when it’s in the distance but harder […]
Holy Saturday: The Harrowing of Hell
By the expression ‘He descended into Hell,’ the Apostles’ Creed confesses that Jesus did really die and through his death for us conquered death and the devil ‘who has the power of death’ (Hebrews 2:14). In his human soul united to his divine person, the dead Christ went down to the realm of the dead. […]
Thursday 27 March
Jeremiah 7:23-28, Ps 95, Luke 11:14-23 Living with Jesus Are you for Jesus or against him? Being for him means believing in him and working with him to build his house. It means freeing ourselves from the demons of sin, the “snares of the devil” who would have us for his own. Being for him […]
Monday 20 May
Ecclesiasticus 1:1-10, Ps 92, Mark 9:14-29 Be strong in faith We know nothing is impossible to God. Our Lord’s action in freeing a boy from an unclean spirit shows his father’s constant presence and action in his life. He is the promised saviour who will rid the world of all that is evil. Let us […]
Wednesday 20 March
Daniel 3:14-20, 24-25,28, Canticle Daniel 3,52-56 John 8:31-42, Whose child are you? Jesus speaks plainly. Those who hold to my teaching, he says, are my true disciples. His words cause an explosive reaction. When it comes to identity, his Jewish listeners claim to know exactly who they are – children of Abraham and children […]
Wednesday 27 June
2Kings 22:8-13,23 Ps 119H; Matthew 7: 15-20 Sermon on the Mount Christ’s protective love is evident as he warns us to be careful of people who want to turn us away from him, by using false prophesies and temptations to go against God’s holy word. He understands all too well the sly traps the devil […]
The Devil Made Me Do It
I AM tempted to suggest that the devil has put me up to today’s exercise but that would be too clever by half because what I want to talk about is, in fact, the devil. Do you ever struggle to believe in the devil? Does it make any sense to you that he can be […]