Tag Archive for ‘Cana’

Luminous Mysteries in Stained Glass
Pope St John Paul II introduced a new set of Mysteries of the Rosary, called the Luminous Mysteries, in 2002. The first Luminous Mystery is the Baptism of the Lord. This window in Sts Peter and Paul, Noubalay, France, shows the scene: against protestations about his unworthiness, John baptised Jesus in the River Jordan. The […]
Monday 1 April
Week 4 of Lent Isaiah 65:17-21; Psalm 30; John 4:43-54 Faith is about trust How can we ever hear the word Cana and not remember the water and wine, this first sign of God’s care. So once again we are in Cana and more of God’s care is shown. A court official who is really […]
Tuesday 17th March
St Patrick 1Peter 4:7-11, Ps. 106, Luke 5:1-11 Each one of us has received a special grace Jesus only asked Peter to do something he understood; to go fishing. They were tired after an unsuccessful night, yet honoured Jesus by doing what seemed foolish. Like at Cana here too results are miraculous. Peter is overwhelmed […]

Mary for Today – Mary and Jesus at the Wedding Feast at Cana
Reading John 2:1-12 Where it all began: So often we approach passages in the Scriptures with the question ‘What happened?’ rather than the richer and more revealing question ‘What does it mean?’ The most puzzling line from the Cana account concerns a line spoken by Jesus and literally interpreted from the Greek as “Woman, what […]