Tag Archive for ‘angels’

Angels in Scripture
Feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael Everybody can picture an angel: white, downy wings, golden ringlets of hair, usually singing a hymn with a horn and a halo. These are almost universal images, and they are especially popular during the holidays. However, most people don’t know that the visual appearance of an angel […]
Wednesday 2 October
The Guardian Angels (M) Exodus 23:20-23; Psalm 91; Matthew 18:1-5, 10 You will find refuge Thank God for your Guardian Angel! God comforts us: “I myself will send an angel before you to guard you as you go and to bring you to the place that I have prepared. Give him reverence … My angel […]
Tuesday 20 August
St Bernard of Clairvaux (m) Judges 6:11-24; Psalm 85; Matthew 19:23-30 Calling us deeper Does Gideon’s question echo in your heart? Forgive me my lord, but if the Lord is with us, then why is … all this happening …? And where are all the wonders our ancestors tell us of …? It can be […]

Nativity in Stained Glass
These three windows in St Benedict’s Church, Newton, Auckland, tell the nativity sequence beautifully. The birth of Jesus in the stable, the angels pointing the way so the shepherds could adore Him, and the Magi coming with their gifts – the Epiphany. In the church the stable scene is in the middle, so the shepherds […]
Thursday 2 August
Jeremiah 18:1-6; Psalm 146; Matthew 13:47-53 A bit fishy I’ve always wondered about this parable. It seems such a waste – throwing those fish away because they are of no use. Then it paralleled to the end of life – the wicked and the upright are separated. I wonder how that is done – what […]
Saturday 28 July
Jeremiah 7:1-11; Psalm 84; Matthew 13:24-30 We wait for the Lord In Matthew's gospel we see Jesus' familiarity with the details of agriculture in the surrounding countryside. Darnel is a noxious weed, the seed of which is similar to that of wheat. Planted together the shoots would become intertwined and only distinguishable above ground. Who […]

Good Old St Ignatius
A favourite millennium joke concerns a tableau staged in Heaven to celebrate 2000 years since the birth of Christ Jesus. As I remember it, it goes like this: It was a great celebration. The angels were in fine voice, and Jesus consented to be a baby again. He lay in Mary’s arms while Joseph sat […]
Thursday 1 March
SECOND WEEK OF LENT Jeremiah 17:5-10; Psalm 1:1-4,6; Luke 16:19-31 Happy are they who hope in the Lord The Prophet Jeremiah and the parable of the rich man remind and challenge us to make sure that the compass of our heart is set on Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life. The rich man […]

Angels All Around
In a little over three weeks, three sensible, ordinary, down-to-earth people spoke to me, in a matter of fact way, about seeing angels

Mary’s Life in Stained Glass (2)
The Birth of Jesus Having been refused entry in the town of Bethlehem, Joseph must have been desperate – what to do with his betrothed Mary in labour. Hence the stable implied in Luke’s account of the birth. I would expect in a window depicting the scene to see a newborn wrapped in swaddling clothes, […]