A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Sunday 19 March

Fourth Sunday of Lent.

Samuel 16:1,6-7, 10-13; Ps 23: 1-6; Ephesians 5:8-14; John 9:1-41

A kingdom vision

Our faith in Jesus helps us to see, truly see. A kingdom vision allows us to recognise more the movement of God in our world. For the man born blind sees, believes and then worships Jesus. God is active in our world, present in our lifeworld. Day to day we can see this and in seeing we refresh our believing and so worship Jesus in our serving of others. Our faith is never for ourselves but inspires our reaching out to others. In so doing we demonstrate God’s kingdom. In healing the man born blind, Jesus yet again demonstrated the Kingdom of God. How can I demonstrate the Kingdom of God today ?

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