A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Thursday 16 March

Jeremiah 7: 23-28: Ps 95: 1-2, 6-9; Luke 11:14-23
The finger of God

The creation of Adam, which the fresco of Michelangelo in the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel captures with the finger of God, this finger reaching out to Adam and so to us all. In our gospel Jesus makes it clear that if the finger of God touches our humanity then God is forever on our side and calls us to be the best of ourselves. I can remember, discerning my call to live priesthood in an Ignatian way with Bishop Kavanagh advising me that if the finger of God is in this call it will endure. In the Gospel there is of course a dispute concerning Jesus; followed by a judgement leading to an implied condemnation. Judgment and condemnation are among the contaminants we need to avoid, all designed to encourage forgetfulness of the finger of God. Imagine a situation where there is no judgment, no condemnation, only the opportunity to be loving with one another, such a time is due to “ the finger of God”.

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