A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Monday 13 March

2 Kings 5: 1-15; Ps 42: 2-3; 43: 3-4;Luke 4: 24-30
Truly knowing another

God insists on reaching into our hearts and sometimes we forget this, absorbed with other things. It is clear, that in their minds, Joseph’s son is only Joseph’s son and is to remain only Joseph’s son. They fail to notice who Jesus is and so he simply passes through their midst. God is forever reaching into our lifeworld, in our very midst and so each day we can pause and recognise his presence and know that we are never on our own. To know that we are more and to realise each person as being much more than what we think we know about them, helps us to live with reverence for one another. God’s insistence is inclusive and defines us all. Can we sit with Jesus and our unknowing about someone we are concerned about?

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