A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Friday 3 March

Ezekiel 18: 21- 28; Ps 130: 1-8 Matthew 5: 20-26

Choose wisely

Jesus reminds us of the contaminants that are destructive. The internal warfare we can secretly engage in and the importance of not doing so. His caution is so helpful because in holding on to negativity towards another or a situation we can end up having them to live within us. We need to be careful of the guests we offer hospitality to within. Lent is a wonderful season for rededication to Jesus being at the core of our deepest self. We are each in this world for but a brief moment, it is vital to choose wisely how we are going to spend our time and what we are going to allow to be within us. A prayer for today is to pray before Jesus crucified and leave what might be dragging us down at the foot of the cross.

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