A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Thursday 26 January

Timothy and Titus, bishops

2 Timothy 1:1-8; Psalm 96:1-3, 7-8a, 10; Luke 10:1-9

Workers in the vineyard

Timothy was a co-worker with Paul and leader of the Church at Ephesus. Titus was Paul’s messenger and leader of the Church at Crete.

In his letter to Timothy, Paul acknowledges Timothy’s faith that is the faith of his grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice and tells Timothy to fan the flame of his gift of power and love. Paul wrote to Titus wishing him grace and peace. Jesus sent the seventy two chosen apostles out in pairs. Just go as you are. When you enter a house wish the inhabitants peace. Live simply among the people who welcome you. How do I live my daily life among my neighbours?


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