A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Saturday 1 October


Job 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Psalm 119:66,71,75,91,125,130; Luke 10:17-24

No contest

From the temptation in the desert to the cross, Jesus is doing battle with Satan. The 72 have discovered that they share in this fight and victory. But Jesus is not surprised at ‘their’ success. Mystically, he has “watched Satan fall” at their recent healings among the people. Jesus is probably recalling too the prophecies (Ezek 28:1-19, Is 14:4-23) of Satan’s dethroning, ‘soon’ to occur. Such cosmic ideas in the Gospels can puzzle modern readers. Yet, it is still hugely reassuring to know that no evil power can stand against Jesus. At his side we have nothing to fear.

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