A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Friday July 22

St Mary Magdalene

Song of Songs 3:1-4; Psalm 63: 2-9; 
John 20: 1-2. 11-18

Accepting to be loved

Mary loved Jesus. At a public meal she anointed his feet with costly ointment before his death. She stayed with him all through the torture of the crucifixion and then all that was left for her to do for him was to anoint his dead body. All her grief is in her words, “They have taken away my Lord!” Then with great tenderness, Jesus says her name. Do we believe in God’s love for us personally? Can we sense his tenderness as he calls us by name? Before asking us to do his work the Lord wants us to let him love us. Are we able to open ourselves to his love as Mary Magdalene did, a love which does not depend on our worthiness?

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