A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Sunday 3 July

Fourteenth Week in Ordinary time

Isaiah 66: 10-14, Psalm 66:1-7, 16, 20; Galatians 6:14-18, Luke 10:1-12,17-20

Instructions for the mission

Jesus gives some specific and practical instructions to his disciples as he sends them out on mission. He is telling them not to plan in advance. This must have been as difficult for his disciples as it would be for us. Not taking a purse sounds scary to us today! Jesus was radical yet at the same time practical. He knew that the ability to adjust to changing or unforeseen circumstances in our mission, whatever it may be, is essential. In the mission given us by God are we able to walk with the Spirit, listening for the inner voice which will nudge us to do this or that, to go this way or that way? Or do we rely totally on our own detailed planning?

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