A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Sunday 2 August

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Isaiah 55:1-3; Psalm 145; Romans 8:35,37-39; Matthew 14:13-21

Moved with compassion

Psalm 145 tells us that God is “gracious and merciful” (raḥamîm). This Hebrew word for merciful means 'womb love' – the deep-down love of a mother. A pattern, or triad, found in today’s gospel reveals something very special about the mercifulness of God: 1. Jesus sees a need. The crowd are hungry. 2. Jesus responds. He is “moved with compassion” (splagnizomai). 3. And something must be done to address the need the heart has felt – Jesus feeds the hungry crowd. Pray to be aware, that like Jesus, I am called to action this triad in my daily life.

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