A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Saturday 3 August

St Dominic (M)

Leviticus 25:1, 8-17; Psalm 69; Matthew 14:1-12

Jubilee mercy

Leviticus prescribes a Jubilee every fiftieth year. Slaves and prisoners are freed, debts forgiven, crops and lands rested, and the mercies of God lived out. We constantly debate climate, war and mass migration, while God’s wisdom calls for respite for the earth, personal liberty to those who have lost autonomy, forgiving unpayable debt and returning land and property. It speaks to the heart of today’s concerns for justice, peace, a living wage, aid without strings, care for our environment and putting people at the centre of economic systems. How can we incorporate the jubilee concepts of mercy, environmental care, stewardship, forgiveness and liberty into our lives and laws?

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