A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Letter to a Friend

Anne Kerrigan

Remember that the most valuable antiques are dear old friends.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr. 1940 -- American author.

Dear Billy,

How do I even begin to write this letter when I know how ill you are? Dolores was kind enough to call me, telling me that you have terminal cancer. I knew something was wrong when I hadn’t heard from you in a while. I was so sorry and so sad to learn of your illness. Please forgive any misspoken words as I try to express my thoughts and feelings.

We have known each other our whole lives, at least from the age of reason onward! It is a treasured gift to have stayed connected over these many years. How many people can say they have been friends for so long? Lately, through the magic of email, we have been able to share thoughts on the meaning of life, the Church, politics, the world and God knows what else! Who can believe that we have reached this age in our lives? We have truly been blessed with the gift of years, a gift denied to many, including our own family members.

So, in spite of the sadness and sense of pending loss, it is in gratitude that I write this letter. I am so grateful that you have had a good life, a long marriage, and the blessing of children and grandchildren. I am thankful that we have been friends for so long, grateful that our paths have crossed on this journey called life.

Remember, you don’t journey alone through this difficult time of letting go. God has promised He would always journey with us; He will never abandon us. So many family members and friends are present to love and support you. The prayers of so many will bolster your spirits!

So, dear friend, as you prepare to meet the Lord, be not afraid. He is with you. The faith you have loved all your life will now sustain you. Please hug our dear friends, Desi and Richie, when you see them, and hug my precious daughter for me. I will see you soon.

With much love and with all my prayers,


Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, no mind has ever imagined what God has prepared for those who love him. St. Paul, 1 Corinthians, 2:9 

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