A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Sunday 3 July

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Isaiah 66:10-14; Ps. 66; Galatians 6:14-18;
Luke 10:1-12; 17-20

Peace and mercy to all

One of the responsibilities Christ passed on to his seventy representatives was to offer peace to others and tell believers the kingdom of God is near. All these years later, we are like the seventy, bearing the same responsibilities. We aren’t expected to push our beliefs on to others (in fact this is specifically noted as something we must not do) but we are expected to continue spreading Christ’s message. Why wouldn’t we want to, anyway? It’s a joyful message, offering peace and mercy to all.

Loving Lord, in this Year of Mercy, help us to find ways to share your message of love, peace and mercy.

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