A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Saturday 11 February

Our Lady of Lourdes (Feast)

Isaiah 66:10-14; Judges 13: 18-19. John 2:1-11.

On February 11, 1858 a young lady appeared to a poor girl, Bernadette Soubirous, at Lourdes in south west France. The lady identified herself as ‘the Immaculate Conception,’ Mary, the mother of Jesus. She was exempted from any stain of sin through the merits of her divine Son, Jesus Christ. Going to the shrine at Lourdes, praying there, bathing in the waters there, taking part in the procession of the Blessed Sacrament, has brought a revitalization of faith for millions of people. God has worked many miraculous cures through Mary’s intercession at Lourdes. Immaculate mother, we call on you.

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