A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tuesday 3 January

1 John 2:29-3:6; Ps 98, John 1:29-34

We petition God often with the words: “We ask this in the name of Our Lord, Jesus Christ”.

Matthew’s Gospel provides a specific meaning and intention for the name “Jesus” which means the one who “saves his people from sin”. Naming children is one of the rites (and rights) of parents, and the simple domesticity of God Himself choosing His Son’s name highlights Jesus’s role as a man, while the meaning of His name makes his role on Earth as our Heavenly Saviour very clear. Thank you for your saving grace, Lord Jesus.


1 John 2:29-3:6; Ps 98, John 1:29-34

We petition God often with the words: “We ask this in the name of Our Lord, Jesus Christ”.

Matthew’s Gospel provides a specific meaning and intention for the name “Jesus” which means the one who “saves his people from sin”. Naming children is one of the rites (and rights) of parents, and the simple domesticity of God Himself choosing His Son’s name highlights Jesus’s role as a man, while the meaning of His name makes his role on Earth as our Heavenly Saviour very clear. Thank you for your saving grace, Lord Jesus.

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