A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Sunday 25 December

Midnight Mass

Isaiah 9: 1- 7, Ps. 96, Titus 2: 11-14, Luke 2: 1-14

The Saviour is born for us

Astounding, amazing, awesome
centrepoint of creative love
love that burst from the God-head
flinging forth the universe
in exuberant burst of energy
seem to time-dwellers as ages
but to eternity only a moment
whirlpool centred on one -
a babe in a manger -
loving parents -
God-head incarnate.
All will be well.

Mary, it is your son we are celebrating
more than 2000 years later; calling him
many wonderful names, remembering the angel’s
message to the shepherds. Help us to believe
he came for each of us, so we be drawn
into that centrepoint of love.

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