A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘St Bartholomew’

Wednesday 24 August

St Bartholomew Apocalypse 21: 9-14; Psalm 145: 10-13, 17-18; John 1: 45-51 A precious jewel The Apostles treasured the memory of their time with Jesus. They shared their knowledge of Him and the news of his Resurrection. But they also held fast to a hopeful vision – of the new Jerusalem coming down from heaven […]

Tuesday 24 August

St Bartholomew, Apostle (F) Apocalypse 21:9-14; Psalm 145; John 1:45-51 From Nazareth? They all stand with us. In Los Angeles the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels is decorated with life-size wall hangings of the apostles, saints ancient and recent, all facing the altar. I love this depiction, as it reminds me that my […]

Saturday 24 August

St Bartholomew, Apostle (f) Apocalypse 21:9-14; Psalm 145; John 1:45-51 Prejudices Jews despised Nazareth because it had a Roman garrison. Bartholomew (Nathaniel) asks what good could come from Nazareth. Despite this, he kept an open mind and went to see Jesus for himself. Prejudice involves preconceived ideas, embraced uncritically as our own. Bartholomew proves to […]

Saturday 24 August

St Bartholomew, Apostle – feast Apocalypse 21:9-14, Ps.145, John 1:45-51 How does Jesus challenge my preconceived ideas? Bartholomew (Nathaniel) responds to Philip’s ‘come and see’ after a conversation about what good could come out of Nazareth. I’ve heard people scoff, ‘What good could come out of Rome?’ (You can substitute your own location). The temptation […]