A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tag Archive for ‘seals’

The Book of Revelation (4) Chapters 7 to 11

The interlude that follows chapter 6 records the sealing of the servants of God. Here 144,000 (12 times 12 times 1000) are sealed, signaling the completeness of God’s promise to save ancient Israel. Also, God’s fidelity extends to a countless multitude of people from every tribe and language and nation. Chapter 6 ended with the […]

The Book of Revelation (3)

REVELATION 4 – 6 We enter a new section of the book of Revelation. In chapters 4 and 5 we are given images of the sheer grandeur and majesty of God and his heavenly court. The centre of the entire creation is God, the source and goal of all things. Remember the letter to Laodicea. […]